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Sunny Kerr



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Agnes Etherington Art Centre

My name is Sunny Kerr (he/him). I am Curator of Contemporary Art at Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Katarokwi/Kingston, Canada and a settler of Scottish and Irish descent. I think with the provocations and potentials of art, the curatorial and the legacies of culture against racist violence and climate change. I continually put my work in reciprocal dialogue with inventive artistic thinking-making. Recent curatorial work includes projects with artists Sandra Brewster, Hadley Howes, Yam Lau, Ibghy and Lemmens, Tau Lewis, JP Longboat, Chris Kline, Ciara Phillips, Judy Radul, Walter Scott and Jinny Yu. I articulate curatorial practice with graduate students through teaching roles in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies, Department of Film and Media while completing a doctorate in Cultural Studies at Queen’s University.

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